Happy Valentine's Day to the group that never runs out of love - dogs!
Author and artists Barbara Barth has asked blogger friends to write about their rescue dogs to celebrate the release of her poetry book Sleeping with Dogs. So here's my story about a big old dog named Daisy, along with some info about Barbara's book. Enter to win a copy at the end of this post!
Tales of My Foster Dog
With a husband, three children, a dog, a cat and at various times fish and hermit crabs, my small house was full. But when my husband's grandfather unexpectedly ended up in the hospital, we were happy to take in his canine companion Daisy "for the weekend". It was quite a long "weekend" but even when PopPop came home from the hospital we quickly realized that the challenges of caring for a rambunctious dog who thought she was reliving "The Great Escape" were too much. So Daisy stayed at our house and went to PopPop's for frequent visits (he was our next door neighbor). I called her our foster dog.
Daisy had a lot of adjustments to make when she became a permanent resident. She went from "Do you want half of my ham sandwich?" to "Dogs don't eat cookies." She did become a fan of sharing an apple or orange with me however. Terrified of thunder, fireworks and gunshots, she found herself living with a budding drummer. We knew her hearing was fading when she no longer dragged her pillow around the living room nervously during practice. She also got her own doggy bed pillow instead of a spot on the couch or our bed. Exceptions were made during thunderstorms when she became a whining, drooling bag of nerves convinced that if she was off the ground and had her head covered she would be safe.
She also heard the call of the wild. At PopPop's she would literally climb the chain link fence to escape the yard. At our house her M.O. was to wait until someone was distracted while entering or leaving the house and slip out the door. Her favorite time to do this was on holidays. She would streak through our back field and head straight for the swampy spot. It seemed fruitless to chase her (she thought it was a game) and better to wait until she wandered back to the house hungry and muddy. In her later years, her wild escapes deescalated into dashing up the road to our neighbor's house then plopping down on the porch for a rest. He would either call us or give her a ride home. The spirit was willing but the legs were tired.
If I had to describe Daisy in one word it would be: goofy. She seemed to spend much of her life clueless, meandering through life, constantly surprised to suddenly be plopped into the middle of a family. Years passed. Children grew up and moved out and she no longer had to meet the school bus each afternoon (she knew the kids were coming home even before I heard the bus on the street). She braved the horrors (in her mind) of the elevator to visit her beloved PopPop in the nursing home. Finally, the day came when she was the only animal left in our home. She spent weeks methodically checking each room for her canine buddy Maggie. Her daily search just about broke my heart.
Daisy may have started out as an accidental foster dog but she rapidly became a shaggy member of the family that none of us will ever forget.
***Apologies that I didn't include a pic of Daisy but, If you've never had one in your family, solid black dogs just end up as a black blob when you try to take their picture.
More About Sleeping with Dogs
Barbara Barth started adopting dogs after the loss of her husband in 2008. From larger dogs to downsizing to Chihuahuas there are always five to six dogs at home. Barth has captured the essence of each dog's personality in short free verse poems of Sleeping with Dogs. Known as Writer With Dogs, Barth has written two memoirs and a variety of novels. Dogs are always present in her stories. This is her first collection of poems. A chapbook of second chances.
More about Barbara Barth

Barbara Barth turned to writing and adopting dogs to heal after the loss of her husband in 2008. Known as Writer With Dogs over the years, she now calls herself Chihuahua Mama and lives with six demanding Chihuahuas in a charming small town forty miles from Atlanta. She is Literary Arts Chair on the Board of her local art center. Inspired by the many talented artists she meets Barth started painting. Her whimsical style embraces ladies, gardens, critters, and of course cats and dogs.
Find her online at:
Want a Free Copy?
You could enter to win a copy of Sleeping with Dogs and learn more about Barbara and her writing on the WOW-Women on Writing Blog Tour on the Muffin. You only have until February 23 to enter to win HERE!
Follow Along the WOW Blog Tour

February 10th @ The Muffin
Join us at The Muffin as we celebrate the launch of Barbara Barth's poetry memoir Sleeping With Dogs. Read an interview with the author and enter to win a copy for yourself.
February 11th @ Lori B. Duff Writes
Visit Lori's blog for her review of Barbara Barth's poetic memoir Sleeping With Dogs.
February 12th @ Frugal Freelancer
Visit Sara's blog again for a review of Barbara Barth's poetic memoir Sleeping With Dogs.
February 13th @ One Writer's Journey
Visit Sue's blog for a guest post by Barbara Barth about finding creative time.
February 13th @ Love a Librarian
Stop by Zarah's blog for an excerpt from Sleeping With Dogs. Zarah will also be sharing her own dog rescue story!
February 14th @ Words by Webb
Visit Jodi's blog for her dog rescue story and a spotlight of Barbara Barth's poetic memoir Sleeping With Dogs.
February 15th @ A Storybook World
Visit Deirdre's blog for her spotlight of Barbara Barth's poetic memoir Sleeping With Dogs.
February 15th @ Book Bunnies
Stop by the Book Bunnies blog for a fun review of Barbara Barth's poetic memoir Sleeping With Dogs.
February 16th @ Chit Chat With Charity
Visit Charity's blog for a review of Barbara Barth's poetic memoir Sleeping With Dogs. Charity will also be sharing her own dog rescue story!
February 18th @ Chatty Patty's Place
Visit Patty's blog for her review of Barbara Barth's poetic memoir Sleeping With Dogs.
February 20th @ Pages and Paws
Visit Kristine's blog for her review of Sleeping With Dogs by Barbara Barth.
February 20th @ One Writer's Journey
Sue will be sharing her review of Sleeping With Dogs by Barbara Barth.
February 22nd @ Wonderful World of Words
Visit Joy's blog to read an excerpt from Barbara's poetic memoir Sleeping With Dogs.
February 24th @ The Bohemian Princess Journal
Join Rebecca for her review of Sleeping With Dogs by Barbara Barth.
February 25th @ Frugal Freelancer
Visit Sara's blog for her story of how she rescued her dog. You can also win a copy of Sleeping With Dogs by Barbara Barth.
February 25th @ Lori B. Duff Writes
Visit Lori's blog again for her story of how she rescued her dog.
February 26th @ Create Write Now
Visit Mari's blog for a guest post from Barbara Barth about book covers.
February 27th @ Word Magic
Visit Fiona's blog for her spotlight of Sleeping With Dogs.
February 28th @ Chatty Patty's Place
Visit Patty's blog for Barbara Barth's guest post on her art.
March 1st @ One Writer's Journey
Visit Sue's blog again for her interview with Barbara Barth about her memoir.
March 2nd @ Just Katherine
Visit Katherine's blog to read a guest post from Barbara Barth about rescuing dogs.
March 3rd @ The Bohemian Princess Journal
Visit Rebecca for her story of how she rescued her dog.
March 4th @ Just Katherine
Stop by Katherine's blog again for an excerpt of Barbara Barth's poetic memoir Sleeping With Dogs.
March 5th @ Choices
Visit Madeline's blog for a guest post by Barbara Barth about writing poetry for the first time.
March 6th @ World of My Imagination
Visit Nicole's blog for her review of Barbara Barth's poetic memoir, Sleeping With Dogs.
March 7th @ Kaecey McCormick's blog
Join Kaecey for her post featuring an excerpt of Barbara Barth's poetic memoir Sleeping With Dogs.
March 8th @ Free to be Me
Join Leslie for her review of Barbara Barth's poetric memoir Sleeping With Dogs.
March 9th @ Caitrin C. King's blog
Visit Caitrin's blog her review of Barbara Barth's poetric memoir Sleeping With Dogs.
What a beautiful experience you shared fostering, then adopting your newest and furriest family member :) I love it!
Jodi, I love Daisy's story! And talk about bringing up a memory from long ago. We called my grandfather Pop Pop too. Your post took me way back. Daisy sounds like she was quite a character and adorable. And so well loved!